"Level 1"
Students who are: off task, ignoring the teacher, neglecting work, late to class, talking during inappropriate times, or wandering are subject to the following punitive actions:
Apologizing to teacher
A break from class
Draft plan to better behavior
Lowered HOWL grade
"Level 2"
Students who have continued behavior stated above or behavior that causes disruption in others' learning or safety may be subject to the following punitive actions:
Individual behavior plan with crew adviser.
Loss of privileges
HOWL grade affected
School community service
Meeting with administration
Learn More pg 48
"Level 3"
Students who chronically violate school or class rules, use verbal aggression or threats, Possess, use, or sell alcohol/drugs or paraphernalia, damage school property, Possess or use weapons, plagiarize, steal or forge something, get in physical altercation or assault may be subject to:
Meeting with Parent or Guardian, Crew adviser, and administrator.
Notification to superintendent.
Referral to functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention plan.
Referral to external entities like Youth Court.
Substance Abuse councilor visits.
Out of school suspension.
Alternative education.
Notification to Police.