Cellphone Policy


All electronic devices are only allowed to be used with with authorization of a teacher.

Accessing, Viewing, posting, forwarding, downloading, or displaying any materials that are defamatory, abusive, obscene, sexually explicit or suggestive, threatening, harassing, or illegal is prohibited. 

Any violation of the rules mentioned above may lead to one or multiple of the following depending on nature of offense and previous student record: 

  • immediate confiscation of device for the remainder of the day.

  • Detention.

  • Expulsion.

  • Device search according to reasonable suspicion


Use of any electronic devices that disrupt the learning environment or process may lead to one of the following: 

  • A warning.

  • Detention.

  • Loss of privileges.

  • Alternatives to suspension (parent conference and loss of privileges). Suspension


Cellphones may be used before school, during lunch, and after school or with teacher permission. 

Students may use school phones in case of emergencies. 

If students use their devices under circumstances that are not stated above they may be subject to: 

  • Confiscation of the device for the rest of the day or given to Mr. Pierce or Shibles after the first offense. 

  • Confiscation of device which will be returned to family or guardian upon communication of the circumstances after the second offense. 

  • Repeated misuse of device will result in being banned from having the phone in school.