Who are representatives?

Senior: Noah Hager

Junior: Pita Yanga 

Sophomore: Adam Wendell-Pearson

Freshman: Declan 

When, where, and what time are meetings?

Meetings are mostly every Friday in Senegal or decided on a convenience basis. 

Meetings are right after school. (see below for more info)


What is the role of cabinet?

To address student concerns and preside over what policies or rules should be changed or eradicated. Also plan for courageous conversations, as well as the winter carnival

Who can attend a cabinet meeting

Anyone but only cabinet members can participate 

What's the relationship between clubs and Cabinet?

All club presidents may bring an issue forward to the Cabinet Representatives.

What's a cabinet meeting like?

The Cabinet reviews any proposals, decided the urgency of the issue at hand agree or disagree whether it should be very effective or impact other students.      

Are there smaller committees?
