Election of Student Government


Who can run for student council?

Anyone with passing grades

What is the process for getting elected?

  • Need to collect 25 signatures from members of your class

  • Teacher grade verification form filled out

  • Give a speech in front of your graduating class

  • Then students will use ranked choice voting to elect members

President & School board representative are automatically on student council

Is there a student council for freshman?

Yes – Freshman can run for student council in the Fall.

And freshman can run for offices in special circumstances (like someone drops out, or gets kicked out due to failing grades)

What are the requirements to run for office?

To run for office you have to already be on student council AND be passing all your classes.

What are the different offices?

President, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Treasurer, Secretary

Offices can be held by student council members of any grade.

Officers are elected by student council

Is there a school policy regarding Student Council? Or another guiding document -constitution, etc?

Yes the constitution