Consequences for Missbehavior
Deering high school
Disruption: No student may disrupt any class or school activity.
Options (depend on severity):
Low Level options:
Apology, written or spoken that also carries an agreed upon change
Reality therapy with worksheet completed with the teacher and the student generated plan enacted
Classroom restorative justice circle meeting
Contract with the teacher/class
Written reflection
Parent/guardian conference or staffing with teacher (and support staff)
Mid Level (ML) Options:
Contract with teacher/administration
Reality therapy with worksheet completed with the teacher and filed with another DHS support person
Contact parent/guardian and as appropriate, administration, social workers, guidance counselors, case managers (special education, 504, MET)
Parent/guardian conference or staffing with teacher and another DHS support person
Restorative justice circle meeting (detailed manual) facilitated by social workers, guidance counselors, case managers (special education, 504, MET)
Portland high school
Inappropriate Behavior
casco bay high school